How to design a small front yard landscape
Owning your own country house is a dream for many people. Firstly, because around the house there is a small front yard landscape to your taste, thereby emphasizing the individuality and design of the structure. In addition to this area one would like to arrange a place for recreation, vegetable gardens, flower beds. But what to do if the area is limited? In this case it is important to carefully consider the landscape design of the small plot, so it was not only beautiful but also functional. Some design techniques allow you to visually increase the area around the house.
How to zone the territory
As with the development of the interior, the design of a small plot begins with the development of such a plan. To do this, the boundaries of the plot are drawn on paper on a scale. On it note the location of the main structure, as well as technical communications, which can not be moved. It also indicates the location of large trees that will remain on the site, mark the place of the existing auxiliary buildings. Color can be highlighted those objects that are subject to future removal or transfer.
During the development of the adjacent area plan take into account the following:
- Firstly determine the necessary number and type of buildings and functional areas on the site. Specify the location of the main building, outbuildings, vegetable garden and greenhouses, flowerbeds, a place to rest with a gazebo, playground.
- Once the main objects on the site are identified, carry out marking of places where there will be garden paths. Conventionally, they can be divided into main, auxiliary and decorative. Main paths are wider with a thorough coating of tile or concrete, flat. They are designed to connect the main structures on the site. Such paths should provide the shortest path from the house to the auxiliary buildings, such as a toilet or bath. The path in this case should be as flat as possible, without obstacles in the way. Auxiliary paths are located between the economic objects on the site: vegetable garden, greenhouse, gazebo and swimming pool. Decorative paths serve as decoration. They can have a whimsical and winding shape. They are made of stone or sawn wood.
- When placing on the site of functional zones take into account the safe distance between them and the main structure. For example, children’s playground should not be located close to the recreation area with a grill, as well as undesirable to locate directly near the windows of the bedroom in the house. When choosing locations for a vegetable garden or flower garden take into account the orientation of the site to the sides of the world. To visually make the site look more spacious and free, the buildings outside should not look massive. It is better to partially hide them behind green plantings in the form of hedges, shrubs or other decorative elements.
- The design of a small plot at the design stage involves the choice of the style of design of the lawn. The style can be regular or natural. In the first case, the arrangement of objects and plants is symmetrical, in the second – free. Specialists recommend for landscape design of a small plot to choose the design in English, rustic or eco style. Also suitable is minimalism or Japanese style.
- It is desirable to refuse tall large trees because of their massive root system and sprawling crowns, which will create a large shady area. Better it will be a single tree, under which you can place a cozy sitting area.
Options for arranging a small plot
Proceeding to the design of the area near the house, on it first place large objects so that they do not look massive. To do this, between them plant plants, hedges, install elements of vertical gardening.
If the area of the territory is large enough, the house is located in its depth. This allows you to visually expand the area, breaking in front of the house a small area with a lawn and flower beds. Be sure to provide a place to park the car.
The location of the garage depends on the number of floors of the house. If it has two floors, the garage is located on the first floor and make it insulated. If the house is one-story, then the garage is located at the side.
Getting started to design the adjacent area, even if it is small, it is desirable to take into account its geological parameters. In particular, it is important to have an idea of the properties of the soil, as this criterion will be decisive in choosing the types of plants and style of site design.
For a comfortable recreation area on the territory choose the most remote, quiet and windless place. This is also where the barbecue area is located.
The role of trees on a small plot
When choosing the design of a small plot, take into account the presence of existing plants. It is not necessary to place on a small plot many tall trees with spreading crowns. It is better to place one or two large deciduous trees, which will give the necessary coolness and shade on hot days. This is the perfect place to set up a seating area. A large tree will also allow you to disguise an ugly view, hide from prying eyes, reduce the light in the bedroom, the windows of which overlook the garden.
Particularly popular are conifers of trees and shrubs. They are unpretentious and feel great in conditions of lack of sunlight. Choosing a place for planting a tall tree, it is necessary to figure out in advance how it will shade the plot.
Pond on the plot
A water surface has, like a mirror, a reflective capacity, so it visually increases the space around. A pond on a small plot firstly gives an opportunity to divert attention from the area of the territory. A small well-groomed pond will become the main accent and decoration of the plot. But from the fountain or an artificial waterfall is better to refuse, as in a small area the sound of the continuous gurgling of water will create discomfort.
You can decorate the water reservoir with water lilies, decorative stones and garden figurines in the form of birds or frogs.
Choosing a place for a gazebo
The main advantage of a country house with an adjacent territory is that on it you can arrange a comfortable and comfortable recreation area with a gazebo, where you can relax in all weathers.
In the design of the recreation area take into account the following:
- If the area is too small, then the gazebo can not put, and be limited to a light canopy with climbing plants and a bench.
- On a small level glade in the summer under the spreading branches of a tree is enough to arrange a wicker furniture: a table and a couple of chairs.
- On sale are all kinds of prefabricated structures with awnings in the form of canopies and tents. Temporary gazebos reliably protect from the sun, wind, rain and mosquitoes.
- To place a permanent gazebo choose elevated or remote from the main structure. The material can be wood, metal or polycarbonate. They are usually used in combined gazebos, where the metal frame is sheathed in wood or polycarbonate. To look lightweight gazebo, make it as open as possible, without the walls, with openwork parts that let the light in.
- Near the gazebo have a barbecue area. Even, rammed area is suitable for this. Sometimes it is covered with tiles or stone. In some cases, the barbecue areas become the main accent on the territory, and flowerbeds and flowerbeds serve as their decoration and are located around them.
The role of the lawn
On a small plot, it is necessary to provide a place for a lawn. It can be decorated with shrubs, pebbles or paving tiles. A lawn can serve not only as a decoration, but also as a convenient place for active games.
Locate the lawn is recommended in a visible area of the plot, preferably in front of the house. This is one of the methods of visual space enhancement, when the flat plane of the lawn is framed by shrubs and ornamental plants on the perimeter.
Designers do not recommend in the central part of the garden to have massive buildings and plantings, but rather, to give this place for a flat area with low grass.
In a small area, the lawn also performs a communication function, allowing you to move around the site and not overload it with many garden paths. For this planting of grasses resistant to trampling.
Arrangement of an alpine hill
If there is a natural roughness on the plot, you can equip such an element of decor as an alpine hill. It looks not only beautiful, but also attracts attention, becoming the main decoration of the territory near the house.
Work plan for the arrangement of an alpine hill developed at the stage of site planning. Large stones, perennial plants, coniferous shrubs will be required.
In the absence of fertile soil on the plot you can use sandy or rocky soil, which is suitable for good development and flowering plants.
The simplest and most popular type of alpine hill is a rock cliff. This method of arrangement is especially relevant for areas with a natural steep slope. When creating such an alpinarium, first lay large boulders, and then plants are planted.
To diversify the composition, large boulders are dug into the ground, creating a path imitating a mountain landscape. And to give realism plants in different colors.
It is not necessary to reject the idea of arranging an alpinarian, if the area near the house has no natural slopes. It is enough to properly arrange the stones of different sizes and plant plants.
On a flat site, you can arrange a flat rockery with a few high points in the form of large stones, trees or shrubs. In the space between these elements fill the decorative gravel or plant creeping groundcover plants. Such a rockery will take up little space, and it is better to arrange it along the front of the plot near the recreation area with a pergola.
Another variety is called a gravel garden. To create it, gravel is poured and steppe plants are planted. In this case, large boulders are not used.
What a garden can be
A garden is not necessarily something large-scale, with many trees and bushes. Even in a small area you can intelligently arrange the plants.
When setting up a small garden, a few simple rules should be followed:
- When planting plants, take into account their requirements for light. For example, the tallest plants are planted in the northern area, and stunted plants – on the contrary, in the southern part of the site.
- It is desirable that the plants that are used for a small garden do not take up much free space. Special attention should be given to the design of the entrance to the plot. To arrange beds and flower beds, use the space along the fence, and in the center of the plot create a decorative composition with bright lush flowers.
- Place under the vegetable garden is chosen last. If desired, a compact bed has between the beds and flower beds.

Methods to visually increase the space
There are different design techniques that can reduce the impression of cramped space through the correct approach to the design of the objects located on the site. It is worth starting with the fence – a fencing structure on the perimeter of the territory. It not only indicates the boundaries of the site, but also protects the garden from wind, dust, penetration from the street of animals and intruders.
The height of the fence is regulated by the regulations and suggests that it is made of light transmitting materials by 50%. On the aesthetic side, a blind and high fence attracts all the attention and visually makes the space smaller than it really is.
If you can not do without such a fence, it should be masked with climbing plants and trees (grapes, ivy, roses, lemongrass), so that the living wall will become an extension of the garden. In other cases, it is better to abandon the massive structures in favor of lightweight, with high light transmission capacity.
The best looks wooden fence, it can even be solid – natural wood does not cause discomfort, but on the contrary, will give a sense of comfort and warmth. Other popular constructions: fenceboard or trellis. Such a fence can also be partially masked by climbing plants.
Also visually correct the area of the adjacent territory can be used with the help of decorative elements and buildings. It is possible to highlight several original techniques:
- Some functional zones on the plot can be raised by creating an artificial height difference. For example, the garden area with rockery and flower beds can be raised by 20 cm. This way it will look larger than the zones located in the neighborhood. 2. Deaf fence is replaced by a metal mesh, fence posts or hedges, thus extending the boundaries of the site. A greater effect can be achieved by changing the height and width of the fence. 3. The perception of the area of the site depends largely on the shape of the objects located on it. Sculpture, flower arrangement or any other decorative element, which has a round or spherical shape, will create the illusion of space. 4. Paths that go into perspective also create the impression of infinite space. Such paths have a winding shape and, skirting the walls with climbing plants, decorative arches or flower beds, as if running away into the distance. 5. It is worth paying attention to the shades of flowering plants. If in the corners of the plot to plant light flowers, the plot will visually expand. 6. It is necessary to get rid of empty corners, which visually significantly limit the space. To fill them, use corner flower beds, benches, pergolas or garden figures.
- Blank fence is replaced by a metal mesh, fence posts or hedges, thus extending the boundaries of the site. A greater effect can be achieved by changing the height and width of the fence.
- The perception of the area of the site largely depends on the shape of the objects located on it. Sculpture, flower arrangement or any other decorative element, which has a round or spherical shape, will create the illusion of space.
- Paths that go into perspective also create the impression of infinite space. Such paths have a sinuous shape and, skirting the walls with climbing plants, decorative arches or flower beds, as if running away into the distance.
- It is worth paying attention to the shades of flowering plants. If in the corners of the site to plant light-colored flowers, the site will visually expand.
- It is necessary to get rid of empty corners, which visually significantly limit the space. To fill them, use corner flower beds, benches, pergolas or garden figures.
- Several decorative compositions in different places in the form of flowers or decorations will attract attention to themselves, not to the area of the plot.
When decorating a small area, the features of the chosen style should be taken into account. As in the interior, in the exterior, minimalist styles are aimed at the visual expansion of space. The style of minimalism involves the use of light wood, stone, water bodies with a calm water surface, a minimum of decor.
To the minimalist design styles can be attributed eastern directions – Chinese and Japanese style. No less important is the lighting. With its help, you can successfully adjust a small area.
The right approach allows even a tiny plot of land to turn into a comfortable functional space.